Place the SymptomQuiz on your website and create a dialog about health with your patients.

  • Get patients excited about nutrition.
  • Increase compliance.
  • Attract people to your website.
  • Increase referrals.

Costs less than getting a latté once a week.

Health questionnaires have long been an integral part of functional medicine. We view symptoms as clues to what is going on in the body. Things like waking up in the middle of the night, fatigue after meals, nails that break easily, and other symptoms (that your patient may not think to tell you) can help you determine where to focus. SymptomQuiz organizes this information for you as well as making the process more interesting for the patient. Use it to create a Wellness Plan that gets patients involved with natural health care. It will save you time and help with patient compliance. If you are new to functional medicine, this is an excellent tool to get you started.


Click here to download stuff to help grow your nutritional practice

You must check one answer for every question. Answer according to how severe the symptom is. If the symptom never occurs, click on never. If the symptom occurs seldomly or is mild, check that box. If it occurs occasionally or is moderate, check that box. If it is severe or frequent, check that box.

FREE Manual helps you interpret the results.